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Taiwan's top universities gear up for longest-ever winter break

12/15/2024 04:43 PM
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National Taiwan University's main campus in Taipei. CNA file photo
National Taiwan University's main campus in Taipei. CNA file photo

Taipei, Dec. 15 (CNA) Five of Taiwan's top universities are gearing up for their longest-ever winter breaks, which are set to run from Dec. 23, 2024 until Feb. 14, 2025 following a switch to 16-week semesters.

Including the holidays before and after the winter break, the actual number of winter vacation days for students at National Taiwan University (NTU), National Taiwan Normal University, and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University this year will be 58.

Meanwhile, National Taipei University and National Chi Nan University will start their winter break on Dec. 30 until Feb. 14 of the following year, making the winter vacation a total of 51 days.

(By Hsu Chih-wei and Evelyn Kao)


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