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Tropical Storm Usagi strengthens to typhoon

11/13/2024 12:06 PM
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Typhoon Usagi. Image taken from Weather Analysis and Taiwan Climate Hybrid monitor system (
Typhoon Usagi. Image taken from Weather Analysis and Taiwan Climate Hybrid monitor system (

Taipei, Nov. 13 (CNA) Tropical Storm Usagi strengthened to a typhoon Wednesday morning and remains on track to brush past southeastern Taiwan between Friday and Sunday, according to the Central Weather Administration (CWA).

The storm, which as of 8 a.m. was still 1,100 kilometers southeast of southern Taiwan, is currently expected to enter the Bashi Channel and then turn north, moving into waters southeast of Taiwan, the CWA said.

Because of its rapid speed -- 28 kilometers per hour as of 8 a.m. -- a sea warning for the storm could be issued Wednesday night, rather than Thursday, as previously forecast, the CWA said.

In terms of its impact, Usagi will bring scattered or isolated rain showers to much of Taiwan, particularly in the east and on the Hengchun Peninsula in the south, when it comes nearest to Taiwan between Friday and the early hours of Sunday, the CWA said.

A typhoon is defined by wind speeds of 118 kph or above, while tropical storms have wind speeds of 62-117 kph. Rotating storms with winds weaker than 62 kph are referred to as tropical depressions.

For more details on the current weather in Taiwan, please visit the Central Weather Administration website.

(By Wang Shu-fen and Matthew Mazzetta)


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