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Number of patients treated for heat-related ailments up on last year

06/27/2024 06:23 PM
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CNA photo June 26, 2024
CNA photo June 26, 2024

Taipei, June 27 (CNA) The heat had caused 563 people across Taiwan to seek medical attention so far in June, according to Taiwan's Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW).

The figure is already higher than the 517 cases documented for the full month of June in 2023, MOHW statistics showed.

In a recent press release, Wu Chao-chun (吳昭軍), director-general of the Health Promotion Administration (HPA) under the MOHW, urged the general public to wear breathable clothing, remain in cool areas and stay hydrated.

He added that infants, senior citizens, those working in outdoor occupations and those with chronic conditions should be particularly vigilant.

Hot temperatures led to the Central Weather Administration (CWA) to issue heat alerts again on Thursday.

Graphic: Central Weather Administration
Graphic: Central Weather Administration

As of 5:29 p.m., an "orange" alert was issued for Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung, as well as Hsinchu, Changhua, Nantou, Yunlin, Chiayi and Pingtung counties.

The CWA orange alert applies to areas where temperatures could reach 36 degrees Celsius for three straight days.

As of 2:30 p.m., the highest daily temperature was 38.7 degrees in Qijin District in Kaohsiung, 38.1 degrees in Chiayi City, and 37.6 degrees in Changzhi Township in Pingtung County.

(By Chen Chieh-ling and James Lo)


> Chinese Version
Graphic: Central Weather Administration
Graphic: Central Weather Administration
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