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Magnitude 4.9 earthquake occurs off eastern Taiwan

06/18/2024 12:17 PM
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Graphic: CWA
Graphic: CWA

Taipei, June 18 (CNA) A magnitude 4.9 earthquake occurred off the coast of Hualien County in eastern Taiwan at 11:46 a.m. Tuesday, according to the Central Weather Administration (CWA).

The earthquake struck offshore, 22.2 kilometers northeast of Hualien County Hall, at a depth of 12.4 kilometers, CWA data showed.

The quake's intensity, which gauges the actual effect of a seismic event, was highest in parts of Hualien County, where it measured 4 on Taiwan's 7-tier intensity scale.

A "4" is considered moderately strong, with most people who are indoors either startled and some unsecured objects toppling over.

The temblor recorded an intensity of 3 in parts of Yilan and Nantou counties, according to CWA data.

There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

(By Elizabeth Hsu)


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