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Ex-teacher released on bail after detention on sexual abuse charges

10/03/2024 09:02 PM
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Taipei, Oct. 3 (CNA) A former elementary school teacher in Nantou has been released on NT$300,000 (US$9,375) bail after confessing to charges of sexual assault against 22 students, according to the Nantou District Court.

The accused, surnamed Huang (黃), was released because he showed remorse during a hearing on Sept. 26 and had earlier reached settlements with more than half of the victims, the court said in a ruling.

While Huang was released on NT$300,000 bail in late September after seven months in detention, he is required to report to the Yungxin Police Station in Tainan every Monday, Wednesday and Friday until his next court appearance, according to the ruling.

The court also issued a restraining order against Huang, barring him from stalking, harassing, extorting or touching the 22 victims. Under the order, he is not permitted to come within 100 meters of the victims' homes, schools or workplaces.

He has also been banned from leaving the country for the next eight months and has been restricted to remaining in Tainan, his place of residence.

The accusations against Huang emerged in February, and he was later charged with 68 counts of sexual abuse, over a 10-year period, against 22 members of the elementary school's baseball team, for which he was the coach.

Prior to the court hearing on Sept. 26, Huang had been in custody since Feb. 6.

He was fired from his teaching job and has been barred from that profession for life.

(By Flor Wang and Hsiao Po-yang)


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