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Fire at Pingtung hospital leaves 8 dead, 2 missing

10/03/2024 01:40 PM
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Photo courtesy of Pingtung County Government Oct. 3, 2024
Photo courtesy of Pingtung County Government Oct. 3, 2024

Taipei, Oct. 3 (CNA) A fire that broke out at a hospital in Pingtung County on Thursday morning has killed eight people and left two missing, according to the county government.

As of noon, the fire at the Antai Tian-Sheng Memorial Hospital in Donggang Township in Pingtung County has killed eight patients, the county government's Communication and International Affairs Division said in a press release.

The police and firefighters are still searching for a patient and a hospital employee working in the machine room, the county magistrate Chou Chun-mi (周春米) said.

CNA photo Oct. 3, 2024
CNA photo Oct. 3, 2024

A total of 323 out of the 324 patients who were staying in Block D of the hospital have been located and transferred to other hospitals, the press release read.

Hospital personnel and patients evacuate to another part of the building in wake of a fire at a Pingtung County hospital. CNA photo Oct. 3, 2024
Hospital personnel and patients evacuate to another part of the building in wake of a fire at a Pingtung County hospital. CNA photo Oct. 3, 2024

(By Huang Yu-jing, Lin Chiao-lien and Sunny Lai)


Video: CNA
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