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BASEBALL/CPBL voices dismay over near halving of Taipei Dome games for 2025

11/01/2024 10:24 PM
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The Taipei Dome is packed with fans during a CPBL game on Oct. 22. CNA file photo
The Taipei Dome is packed with fans during a CPBL game on Oct. 22. CNA file photo

Taipei, Nov. 1 (CNA) Taiwan's professional baseball league has expressed disappointment over a decision to nearly halve the number of regular-season games scheduled at the Taipei Dome for 2025 compared to this year.

During a video conference with team managers on Thursday, the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) discussed a decision by the venue's operator Farglory Group to cut the number of games at the Taipei Dome from 38 to 20 for the upcoming season.

The revised schedule includes two season openers and six three-game weekend series, according to the league.

Farglory Group attributed the reduction to the Taipei City government's plan to use the Taipei Dome as the venue for the 2025 World Masters Games, which will make the facility unavailable from April 23 to May 28.

"Neither the league nor its six franchises can accept this decision," the CPBL said, noting it intends to continue negotiations with the city government and Farglory Group to prioritize baseball games at the Taipei Dome.

The Taipei Dome was constructed to replace the Taipei Municipal Baseball Stadium, which was demolished in 2000.

Farglory Group responded on Friday, saying it supports maximizing the Taipei Dome's use and has reserved the venue for the CPBL's preseason, All-Star, and postseason games. The group said it remains open to adjustments to the schedule as needed.

Meanwhile, Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an (蔣萬安) said "sporting events are the primary use for the Taipei Dome," adding that a review meeting will soon discuss the venue's scheduling.

In response to speculation that concerts may displace sports events at the Taipei Dome, Taipei's Department of Sports reiterated that sports remain a priority and pledged to help secure additional baseball games at the facility.

The Taiwan Professional Baseball Players Association also expressed frustration over the reduced schedule. Association president and Uni-President 7-Eleven Lions captain Chen Chieh-hsien (陳傑憲) lamented the Taipei Dome's limited availability, saying it was a shame considering the recent expansion of the CPBL to six teams.

"My first thought was that the CTBC Brothers played over 20 games at the Taipei Dome this year. What about next year? Can we [the Uni-Lions] get to play here at all?" Chen said.

While the Brothers played a league-high 28 regular-season games at the Taipei Dome this year, Chen's team had only six games there, the second-fewest in the league.

Playing at the Taipei Dome, Chen added, provides a comfortable environment for players and fans and helps avoid rain delays. "It's a blessing to be able to compete here," he said.

The CPBL reported a record attendance of 2,766,386 fans for the 2023 regular season, averaging 7,684 spectators across 360 games. The 38 games at the Taipei Dome drew 786,189 fans.

(By Yang Chi-fang, He Hsiu-ling, Chen Yu-ting, and Chao Yen-hsiang)


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