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Police reveal arrest of woman who sold drugs out of baby stroller

03/03/2025 01:31 PM
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Photo courtesy of a private contributor
Photo courtesy of a private contributor

Taipei, March 3 (CNA) Taichung police on Monday revealed the arrest last year of an alleged heroin dealer who evaded detection by hiding her drugs in a baby stroller.

In a press release, the Taichung Police Department said officers at its Fengyuan Precinct learned of the 44-year-old woman, surnamed Hung (洪), while investigating other drug cases last April, and alerted local prosecutors.

Investigators found that Hung, a resident of the city's Houli District, had taken up drug dealing to supplement the unstable income brought in by her husband, a temporary laborer, the statement said.

Using social media, Hung developed a base of customers, whom she arranged to meet and sell drugs at different locations around the city.

Hung evaded detection by taking her young child out on the trips in a baby stroller, which she also used to hide the drugs until it was time to make a sale, police said.

After collecting sufficient evidence, officers arrested Hung on the street in July. They also searched her home, seizing account books, bags of heroin and amphetamines, an electric scale, a mobile phone and drug paraphernalia.

Based on the account books, Hung was making as much as NT$200,000 (US$6,080) a month dealing drugs, local media reported.

Following further investigation, Taichung prosecutors charged Hung in January with violations of the Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act.

Police also asked the Taichung Social Affairs Bureau to evaluate whether Hung's child would be able to receive adequate care at home, the reports said.

(By Chao Li-yen and Matthew Mazzetta)


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