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Lunar New Year's Eve traffic volume likely same as any normal day

01/28/2025 12:11 PM
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Cars move along National Freeway 3 on Saturday. CNA photo Jan. 25, 2025
Cars move along National Freeway 3 on Saturday. CNA photo Jan. 25, 2025

Taipei, Jan. 28 (CNA) A "normal" volume of traffic is expected on Taiwan's roads on Tuesday, which is Lunar New Year's Eve, according to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC).

The MOTC's Freeway Bureau said in its daily morning traffic report that the traffic volume on Tuesday is expected to be 92 million vehicle kilometers, which is exactly the same as a "normal daily traffic volume" of 92 million vehicle kilometers.

The bureau also reported that the total traffic volume on Monday was 95.9 million vehicle kilometers, which was "approximately the same" as the normal daily traffic volume.

The situation on Taiwan's freeways was "generally normal," as of 8 a.m. on Tuesday, the bureau said.

But congestion may be expected on six highway sections prone to congestion, the bureau warned, including National Freeway No. 1 southbound between Yangmei and Hsinchu, and National Freeway No. 5 southbound between Nangang and Toucheng.

"Before heading out, be sure to check the condition of your vehicle, be well rested, fasten your seat belt, do not speed, and keep a safe distance [from other vehicles]," the Freeway Bureau's statement said.

(By James Thompson and Chen Chih-chung)


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