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Amendment criminalizing contempt of Legislature passes into law

05/28/2024 11:09 PM
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CNA photo May 28, 2024
CNA photo May 28, 2024

Taipei, May 28 (CNA) A bill to amend the Criminal Code to subject those found in contempt of the Legislature to criminal proceedings passed a third reading in the Legislative Yuan at 10:53 p.m. on Tuesday.

Public officials and civil servants who make false statements concerning important affairs about which they have knowledge during hearings or when questioned by lawmakers can now be fined up to NT$200,000 (US$6,215) or be sentenced to a jail term of less than one year.

The amendment was made to add the new offense, "Contempt of the Legislature," to the Criminal Code.

This amendment was made to correspond to the newly amended Law Governing the Legislature's Power. Amendments to the law had all passed as of Tuesday evening after their review in the full Legislature began on May 17.

Those amendments say government personnel whose testimony is found to be false will be sent to the Control Yuan for disciplinary action or impeachment and face criminal responsibility.

(By Alison Hsiao)



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