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Taiwan, Latvia sign MOU on drone industry cooperation

11/21/2024 01:09 PM
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Representatives of Taiwan, Latvia and Estonia meet together to seek out collaboration opportunities on Tuesday. Photo courtesy of the Taipei Mission in the Republic of Latvia
Representatives of Taiwan, Latvia and Estonia meet together to seek out collaboration opportunities on Tuesday. Photo courtesy of the Taipei Mission in the Republic of Latvia

Vilnius, Lithuania, Nov. 21 (CNA) Taiwan and Latvia have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to collaborate in the drone industry during the first visit by a Taiwanese drone industry delegation to the Baltic country.

The MOU was signed on Tuesday in Riga, Latvia's capital, by Aerospace Industrial Development Corp. (AIDC) Chairman Hu Kai-hung (胡開宏), who led the Taiwanese delegation, and a representative from the Latvian Federation of Defence and Security Industries, according to a statement issued Wednesday by the Taipei Mission in the Republic of Latvia.

The 47-member Taiwanese delegation, comprising representatives from 16 domestic drone companies, related industries and government officials, is the largest trade group from Taiwan that has visited Latvia.

They were joined by over 120 counterparts from Latvia and Estonia, including Estonian parliamentarians Kristo Enn Vaga, Kalle Laanet, and Jüri Jaanson.

At the signing ceremony, Andrew Lee (李憲章), Taiwan's top representative to Latvia, described Taiwan as a reliable partner to Latvia and Estonia, highlighting its advanced technology in information and communications as well as semiconductors.

Aerospace Industrial Development Corp. (AIDC) Chairman Hu Kai-hung (center) and Latvian Federation of Defence and Security Industries Chairwoman Elīna Egle (second left) hold their signed memorandums while taking a photo with Taiwan's top representative to Latvia Andrew Lee (left), Democratic Progressive Party lawmaker Wang Ting-yu (second right) and deputy director-general of the MOEA’s Industrial Development Administration Chou Yu-shin (right). Photo courtesy of the Taipei Mission in the Republic of Latvia
Aerospace Industrial Development Corp. (AIDC) Chairman Hu Kai-hung (center) and Latvian Federation of Defence and Security Industries Chairwoman Elīna Egle (second left) hold their signed memorandums while taking a photo with Taiwan's top representative to Latvia Andrew Lee (left), Democratic Progressive Party lawmaker Wang Ting-yu (second right) and deputy director-general of the MOEA’s Industrial Development Administration Chou Yu-shin (right). Photo courtesy of the Taipei Mission in the Republic of Latvia

Speaking at a banquet on Tuesday evening, Taiwanese Legislator Wang Ting-yu (王定宇), convener of the Foreign and National Defense Committee, emphasized the shared democratic values between Taiwan and the Baltic countries.

He noted that both regions face threats from authoritarian powers -- Taiwan from China and the Baltic states from Russia, and called for strengthened cooperation to build more resilient industrial supply chains and reduce reliance on totalitarian regimes.

During the event, Vaga, chair of Estonia's parliamentary Taiwan support group, and Janis Vucans, former chair of Latvia's parliamentary Taiwan support group, both reiterated their support for Taiwan. They pledged to continue advancing trade, industrial cooperation and international ties with Taiwan.

(By Yu Yao-ju and Chao Yen-hsiang)


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