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Taitung 2025 balloon festival to be launched July 5

03/02/2025 06:22 PM
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Pictured is the Taiwan International Balloon Festival held previously in Taitung. The Taitung County government said Sunday that the annual balloon festival will take off on July 5 in Taitung's Luye Highlan. Pictured is the event in a previous year. Photo courtesy of the county government March 2, 2025
Pictured is the Taiwan International Balloon Festival held previously in Taitung. The Taitung County government said Sunday that the annual balloon festival will take off on July 5 in Taitung's Luye Highlan. Pictured is the event in a previous year. Photo courtesy of the county government March 2, 2025

Taipei, March 2 (CNA) The Taitung County government said Sunday that the annual balloon festival will take off on in early July, treating spectators to fireworks displays and drone shows, among other activities.

Now in its 15th year, the Taiwan International Balloon Festival will be launched at dawn on July 5 in Taitung's Luye Highland, the county government said in a press release.

The following evening, a fireworks display and a drone show will be held at the same location, setting the stage for a series of special events, mainly projection mapping shows with musical accompaniment, which will take place every Thursday through Aug. 21, the county government said.

While most of the events will be held in Luye Highland, there will also be a projection mapping show at Taimali's Dawn Park at 4 a.m. on July 10, a fireworks show at Chishang's Dapo Pond at 7 p.m. on July 24, and a fireworks and drone show at Taitung Seashore Park at 7 p.m. on Aug. 7, the press release said.

Hot air balloon shows and tethered balloon rides will also be featured from 5:30 a.m. to 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., daily, except for Tuesdays, when all events will closed, the county government said.

(By Lee Hsien-feng and Matthew Mazzetta)


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