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Matsu's Dongyin Island holds migratory bird photography exhibition

01/31/2025 01:56 PM
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A photography exhibition on migratory birds is being held on Dongyin Island until the end of March. Photo courtesy of the Dongyin Township Administration
A photography exhibition on migratory birds is being held on Dongyin Island until the end of March. Photo courtesy of the Dongyin Township Administration

Taipei, Jan. 31 (CNA) Dongyin Island, a rural township in Lienchiang County (the Matsu Islands), is holding a photography exhibition which it is hoped will teach birdwatchers about the area's unique ecology for migratory birds, Dongyin Township Administration said in a recent news release.

With its ideal geographical location and diverse geological features, Dongyin has become an important stopover for migratory birds in East Asia, the township administration added.

Observation records have so far documented more than 400 species of bird stopping over to rest or winter on the island, the administration said, adding that the ongoing exhibition showcases the solo work of Lin Li-chung (林利中).

As Lin is an avid photographer who also owns a breakfast outlet in Dongyin, it is hoped that Lin's photography will help to attract more birdwatchers to the island, the administration said.

Although Lin likes to keep a low profile, he has graciously accepted the administration's invitation to hold his first solo exhibition, event curator Tsai Pei-yuan (蔡沛原) said.

Describing Dongyin as an important habitat and breeding ground for migratory birds, Tsai said the island attracts different bird species during the winter months that leave only the following spring.

In order to preserve the integrity of the island's ecological environment for migratory birds, which are viewed as invaluable natural resources, Tsai said the township has purposefully controlled its development.

The curator expressed hope that people arriving to birdwatch will also visit the exhibition to appreciate Lin's photographs which he has taken over many years.

The exhibition is being held at the Dongyin Mid-Way Story House until the end of March.

(By Pan Hsin-tung and Ko Lin)


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