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Temperatures in northern Taiwan to drop to 20°C next week

11/03/2024 12:45 PM
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Taipei, Nov. 3 (CNA) Strengthening northeasterly winds will bring cooler weather to northern Taiwan next week, including low temperatures at or below 20 degrees Celsius on Wednesday and Thursday, forecasters said on Sunday.

According to the Central Weather Administration (CWA), the seasonal wind system will pick up on Monday and remain strong through Thursday.

During that period, isolated rain showers are forecast for the east and areas north of Taoyuan in northern Taiwan, with partly cloudy to sunny weather expected in the central and southern regions of the country, the CWA said.

Daytime high temperatures from Monday to Thursday will remain around 23-25 degrees in the north and northeast, while highs in other regions will rise to the upper 20s or 30 degrees, the CWA said.

The CWA forecast overnight lows of around 20 degrees in the north on Wednesday and Thursday. Wu Der-rong (吳德榮), an independent meteorologist, said temperatures in some areas could fall to as low as 16 degrees.

As the wind system dissipates on Friday, temperatures will gradually rebound in the north. There will continue to be a chance of isolated or sporadic rain showers in the north and east, with mostly cloudy to sunny weather forecast for other regions, the CWA said.

Meanwhile, the CWA said it was monitoring a tropical depression in waters east of the Philippines, which could potentially strengthen into a tropical storm, bringing rain to northern and eastern Taiwan on Friday and Saturday.

(By Chang Hsiung-feng and Matthew Mazzetta)


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