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Taiwan on course to become super-aged society by 2025

10/17/2024 11:18 PM
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Taipei, Oct. 17 (CNA) Taiwan is set to become a "super-aged society" in 2025 as projected, and its total population is projected to fall below 23 million in 2030 with a median age of 48.7, a report released by the National Development Council (NDC) on Thursday showed.

In its latest biennial report "Population Projections for the Republic of China (Taiwan): 2024-2070," the NDC estimated that Taiwan's total population will shrink from 23.4 million in 2024 to 14.97 million in 2070.

The NDC based its estimate on the assumption that each child-bearing Taiwanese woman would give birth to an average of one child each in the future.

A demographic bonus -- a condition in which the productive age population is more than the non-productive population -- will come to an end in 2028 as projected, the NDC said.

By 2039, seniors of 65 or above will account for 30 percent of Taiwan's total population, the NDC said, warning that its demographic structure as a result of falling birth rates and longer life expectancy will continue deteriorating as population aging will keep on worsening over the long term.

By 2070, the population aged 0-14 is projected to decrease by 1.7 million, and the population aged 15-64 will decline by 9.2 million. In contrast, the population aged 65 and over is expected to increase by 2.48 million.

During the same time, the median age will grow from 45.1 in 2024 to 62.4 in 2070, with the potential support ratio -- the number of working-age individuals supporting each elderly person -- steadily declining from 3.6 for one this year to one for one in 2070.

Government agencies should map out diverse measures to cope with the arrival of a super-aged society, including using artificial intelligence to create a new environment and new modes, the NDC said.

(By Flor Wang and Pan Tzu-yu)


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