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45 firefighting vehicles dispatched to quell New Taipei factory blaze

09/05/2024 03:17 PM
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A fire erupts at a factory in New Taipei's Shulin District on Thursday. Photo courtesy of a private contributor
A fire erupts at a factory in New Taipei's Shulin District on Thursday. Photo courtesy of a private contributor

Taipei, Sept. 5 (CNA) Forty-five vehicles and 77 firefighters were dispatched to put out a factory fire in New Taipei's Shulin District on Thursday.

The New Taipei City Government Fire Department said it dispatched firefighters to subdue the flames at a two-story factory unit on Section One, Xizun Street after receiving a report at 12:23 p.m.

Thick, billowing smoke was reportedly seen as far away as New Taipei City Hall in Banqiao District.

Plumes of smog are seen over the sky in Shulin District on Thursday due to the factory fire. Photo courtesy of a private contributor
Plumes of smog are seen over the sky in Shulin District on Thursday due to the factory fire. Photo courtesy of a private contributor

The blaze was brought under control at 1:25 p.m. and fully extinguished at 1:35 p.m., according to a Facebook post by the fire department.

No one was killed or injured in the fire, the cause of which has yet to be determined.

The fire department urged residents living near the burning factory to temporarily close the doors and windows of their homes and wear surgical masks when going outside to reduce the risk of respiratory and eye discomfort.

(By James Thompson and Huang Hsu-sheng)


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