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Sanchong police seize over 4,000 vape pods during drug bust

06/20/2024 01:34 PM
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Vape pods are found during a drug raid in Tung's residence. Photo courtesy of police
Vape pods are found during a drug raid in Tung's residence. Photo courtesy of police

New Taipei, June 20 (CNA) Police in New Taipei confiscated more than 4,000 replacement pods for vape pens during a drug raid last week, the city's Sanchong Precinct said Thursday.

In a press release, the precinct said the drug bust was conducted on June 13, based on an anonymous tip that a Sanchong District resident had amassed a substantial number of vape pods at his home.

At 5 p.m. on June 13, police raided the home of the 24-year-old man, surnamed Tung (董), and found thousands of replacement vape pods in a range of flavors, the precinct said.

Tung allegedly was buying the pods online and selling them on social media platforms, which was his main source of income, according to police.

The 4,189 vape pods seized during the raid had an estimated market value of NT$1 million (US$30,868), the police precinct said.

When tested, the pods were found to contain Mephedrone, a synthetic stimulant drug that is classified in Taiwan as a category three narcotic.

Tung was arrested and handed over to the New Taipei District Prosecutors Office for investigation of offenses under Taiwan's Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act, police said.

He told the police that he was innocent and said he was unaware that the pods contained an illegal drug.

The police have issued a warning to the general public, saying that vape pods and cartridges may contain illegal drugs in liquid form that are mixed in with cigarette oils.

Substances like those are the new age drugs, which could lure youths into addiction, the police said, urging citizens to report any suspicious actions to the 110 emergency hotline.

Taiwan's Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act prohibits the production, sale, import, supply and advertising of "imitation tobacco products," including electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery systems such as vape pens, pods and cartridges.

(By Yang Kan-ju and James Lo)


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