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Court approves detention of Chinese suspect in boat incursion case

06/17/2024 09:49 PM
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Source: law enforcement authorities
Source: law enforcement authorities

Taipei, June 17 (CNA) The Shilin District Court on Monday approved a request by Taipei prosecutors to detain and hold incommunicado a Chinese national who recently entered Taiwan illegally after driving a speedboat from China to the Tamsui River mouth.

The suspect, identified as a 60-year-old man surnamed Ruan (阮), was ordered detained due to the risk that he could destroy evidence or try to flee from authorities as he is in Taiwan illegally and has no domicile in the country, the court said in a statement.

Ruan is being investigated on suspicion of violating the Act Governing Relations Between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area and the Immigration Act after he drove a 9-meter-long speedboat into a harbor near the mouth of the Tamsui River in New Taipei on June 9.

After his arrest by Taiwan Coast Guard personnel, the suspect claimed he was trying to defect to Taiwan from China.

An unnamed source familiar with the incident told local media that Ruan has claimed he wants to defect because he had made some anti-Chinese government comments on online messaging apps.

Following questioning by Shilin District Prosecutors Office, a request was filed Monday morning to detain Ruan and hold him incommunicado due to the severity of the case involving national security.

Prosecutors are continuing with their investigation to clarify the details relating to Ruan's illegal entry, the Shilin court said, indicating detention is necessary.

The incident has drawn attention from media and military experts because the Tamsui River is considered a critical strategic location and serves as the gateway to Taipei, the nation's political, economic and cultural capital, where the Presidential Office and other important government institutions are situated.

(By Liu Shih-yi and Ko Lin)


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