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Czech Senate VP Drahoš touts chip cooperation ahead of Taiwan trip

06/06/2024 08:28 PM
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Czech Senate Vice President Jiří Drahoš. Photo: CNA
Czech Senate Vice President Jiří Drahoš. Photo: CNA

Prague, June 6 (CNA) Czech Senate Vice President Jiří Drahoš told CNA in a recent interview that he hopes to promote semiconductor cooperation during a visit Taiwan from June 10.

Drahoš, who visited Taiwan three times in the past, will arrive on Monday for a week-long visit.

During the interview in Prague, Drahoš expressed a desire to gain insights and experience from Taiwan, welcoming companies like Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) to establish research centers in the Czech Republic.

Drahoš said he planned to meet key representatives from Taiwan's Executive Yuan and Legislative Yuan, as well as engage with universities, Academia Sinica and businesspeople.

Czech Senate Vice President Jiří Drahoš. Photo: CNA
Czech Senate Vice President Jiří Drahoš. Photo: CNA

While political meetings are a priority, Drahoš, a former scientist, said he also had broader interests.

Leading a delegation of about 20 members, including representatives from top Czech universities and academies, Drahoš will be accompanied by Czech's Deputy Minister of Technology, Jana Havlikova.

They will discuss semiconductor cooperation details with institutions like the Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (TSRI) and the National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs).

Drahoš aimed to continue cooperation from his last visit in 2022 and advance chip collaboration, highlighting Czech plans to develop chip design and supply chain resilience centers and foster talent.

With TSMC setting up a plant in Dresden, Germany, Drahoš viewed Prague, a two-hour drive away with direct flights to Taiwan, as an "ideal hub" for Taiwanese semiconductor activities.

He noted the potential of the region between Prague and Dresden, called Ústí nad Labem, as a semiconductor supply chain site.

In addition, Prague's Charles University, in collaboration with Taiwan's National Chengchi University, will establish a Supply Chain Resilience Center, while Brno, the second-largest city in the Czech Republic, will also host a chip research and design center, Drahoš said.

Drahoš and his delegation will discuss cooperation details with experts from NCCU and NARLabs during the visit.

(By Tina Liu and Evelyn Yang)


> Chinese Version


June 10: Delegation led by Czech Senate vice president arrives in Taiwan

Czech Senate Vice President Jiří Drahoš. Photo: CNA
Czech Senate Vice President Jiří Drahoš. Photo: CNA
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