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Policemen lose jobs for putting pinhole cameras in women's restroom

11/19/2024 01:18 PM
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Image from Pixabay for illustrative purposes
Image from Pixabay for illustrative purposes

Taipei, Nov. 19 (CNA) Two policemen in Taipei have been officially fired after they were found to have installed pinhole cameras in the women's restrooms of their police stations.

The two former officers, surnamed Huang (黃) and Kuo (郭), were assigned to Xinyi and Daan precinct police stations, respectively, according to press statements.

The cases came to light after policewomen discovered the cameras.

The incidents were taken particularly seriously because the officers were allegedly members of "Chuangyi Sifang" (創意私房), an online platform known for hosting illegal images, including secret photographs and child pornography.

Huang's move was uncovered in July, prompting police to contact prosecutors and launch an investigation. Evidence was confiscated during raids of his residence and office.

The case is currently still being investigated by prosecutors. The police said Huang has confessed to installing the camera and that he did not leak any images.

Regarding Kuo's case, the Daan Precinct issued a statement describing a similar situation, but it did not specify when the camera was discovered.

It stated only that Taipei prosecutors had launched an investigation into offenses against privacy.

Staff at the Dunhua South Road Police Station, where Kuo had worked, declined on Tuesday morning to comment to CNA on whether Kuo had leaked any images.

Neither precinct was willing to specify if one or more cameras was installed in their respective stations' women's bathrooms.

The Taipei Police Department said that although both officers had submitted their resignations, which have taken effect, it officially fired them to ensure they cannot serve as police officers again.

According to the department, Police Commissioner Li Hsi-ho (李西河) had also ordered all field offices to conduct thorough inspections to detect pinhole or hidden cameras, to safeguard the privacy of both police officers and the public.

(By Huang Li-yun and Chao Yen-hsiang)


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