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Canadian frigate transits Taiwan Strait

02/16/2025 06:11 PM
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Photo: Facebook page of HMCS Ottawa
Photo: Facebook page of HMCS Ottawa

Taipei, Feb. 16 (CNA) A Canadian patrol frigate transited the Taiwan Strait Sunday, the first such instance this year, according to Taiwanese authorities.

Coming from the south, the frigate sailed north through the Taiwan Strait, Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense (MND) said in a statement.

The MND said it was closely monitoring surrounding airspace and waters as the ship made the transit and took appropriate measures in response.

Meanwhile, Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) identified the Canadian vessel as the Halifax-class frigate Ottawa.

In its statement, MOFA said that the transit was the first by a Canadian vessel this year and the sixth one involving Canada after the country released its Indo-Pacific Strategy in November 2022.

The transit demonstrated Canada's commitment to upholding peace and freedom in the strait, which is international waters, MOFA said.

The Royal Canadian Navy and the People's Liberation Army have not yet responded to the transit as of press time.

(By Sean Lin and Charlotte Yang)


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