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MOFA joins Global CAPE promoting cross-border privacy enforcement

05/28/2024 10:02 PM
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Taipei, May 28 (CNA) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on Tuesday announced it has joined an international mechanism that promotes cooperation in cross-border data protection and privacy enforcement.

In order to demonstrate Taiwan's determination to forge exchanges with other countries on privacy protection issues, MOFA and 15 other central government ministries and agencies, including the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Education applied to join the Global Cooperation Arrangement for Privacy Enforcement (Global CAPE) at the end of 2023, Greg Lee (李冠德), deputy head of the foreign ministry's Department of International Organizations, said at a press conference.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan, which is the administrator of Global CAPE, notified Taiwan in March this year that the applications submitted by its various ministries had been approved, Lee said.

According to the Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules Forum (Global CBPR Forum), it established Global CAPE in October 2023 to "promote effective cross-border cooperation between participants on the enforcement of data protection and privacy laws" and to "encourage information sharing and cooperation on data protection and privacy investigation."

Taiwan was a founding member of the Global CBPR Forum member in April 2022, Lee added.

Currently, Global CAPE members include various government ministries and agencies from Taiwan, the United States, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom, South Korea, the Philippines, Singapore and Mexico.

(By Henry Wu and Ko Lin)


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