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Taiwan expands INTENSE Program eligibility to attract foreign talent

11/17/2024 06:06 PM
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Filipino students pose together after learning about the INTENSE program in April. Photo courtesy of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the Philippines
Filipino students pose together after learning about the INTENSE program in April. Photo courtesy of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the Philippines

Taipei, Nov. 17 (CNA) Eligibility for a special foreign student program will be relaxed for the 2025 spring semester so that some students already studying in Taiwan can apply as part of a wider effort to attract and retain talent, the Ministry of Education announced Saturday.

According to the ministry, all foreign junior and senior university students studying in Taiwan who have completed two years of study will now be eligible for the "International Industrial Talents Education Special Program (INTENSE Program)," with university reviews expected to conclude by the end of January.

Previously, the program was open only to international students who had studied outside of Taiwan. They either needed to have completed at least two years of university study or have a junior college or bachelor's degree.

The ministry said 62 INTENSE Program classes across 22 schools will be held in the spring semester and the aim will be to enroll 1,092 international students.

The classes will focus on fields such as science, technology, engineering, math (STEM), finance and semiconductors, with the Taiwanese government covering a one-way flight ticket, tuition fees and other administrative costs for up to two years, according to the ministry.

The INTENSE program, launched in the 2024 fall semester, is also supported by partnering companies, providing each student with a monthly living allowance of NT$10,000 (US$313).

After graduation, INTENSE program students will be required to work in Taiwan for at least two years, a move the Taiwanese government hopes will help supplement the skilled workforce amid the country's low fertility rate.

According to the ministry, the fall 2024 semester saw 40 INTENSE program classes across 20 schools, with 366 students qualifying for scholarships. The majority of students were from Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

(By Hsu Chi-wei and Lee Hsin-Yin)


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