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iPASS launches QR code payment system for public transport services

03/24/2025 07:32 PM
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A press conference held for the launch of the iPASS "TWQR" Travel Code in Kaohsiung on Monday. Photo courtesy of iPASS Corp. March 24, 2025
A press conference held for the launch of the iPASS "TWQR" Travel Code in Kaohsiung on Monday. Photo courtesy of iPASS Corp. March 24, 2025

Taipei, March 24 (CNA) iPASS e-wallet users will be able to pay for various public transportation services across Taiwan from Monday by simply displaying an iPASS QR code on their regular banking apps.

Passengers will be able to use the iPASS "TWQR" Travel Code on the Kaohsiung Metro, Kaohsiung Light Rail, Taichung Metro, New Taipei Metro and other bus, ferry and rail services, iPASS Corp. said in a news release the same day.

By opening a payment app on their mobile phone, selecting the QR, and scanning it at the ticket barrier reader, passengers can pay for transportation services directly from their iPASS accounts -- without needing physical cash, tickets, or cards.

iPASS announced the new service at a press conference held at Formosa Boulevard Station in the southern Taiwanese city of Kaohsiung.

Chen Yen-Liang (陳彥良), vice chairperson of Taiwan's Financial Supervisory Commission, Wang Hong-rong (王宏榮), deputy secretary-general of the Kaohsiung City government, and other figures witnessed the launch event that was also broadcast online.

According to the company, the iPASS "TWQR" Travel Code was developed by the Financial Information Service Co., which integrated the QR Code Common Payment Standard with the Ministry of Transportation and Communication's "Transportation Ticket Two-Dimensional Barcode Data Format Standard."

iPASS explained that the system connects the two main payment networks -- banks and electronic payment institutions -- via an "Electronic Payment Cross-Institution Shared Platform."

The first group of financial institutions to support the iPASS "TWQR" Travel Code are the Bank of Taiwan, Land Bank of Taiwan, Taiwan Cooperative Bank, First Bank, Hua Nan Bank, Chang Hwa Bank, Mega Bank, Taiwan Business Bank, and Chunghwa Post.

iPASS said that the service officially began on March 24 for customers of the nine financial institutions, with plans to expand nationwide to include more transport networks.

To encourage people to try out the new service, the nine participating financial institutions will offer 100 percent rebate on fares paid with the iPASS "TWQR" Travel Code from April 15 to Dec. 31, 2025.

(By James Thompson and Tsai Meng-yu)


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