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Number of suspected INPARADISE food poisoning victims rises to 53

01/09/2025 09:30 PM
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A sign from INPARADISE's Breeze Xinyi branch indicates that the restaurant is closed on Thursday to be disinfected. CNA photo Jan. 9, 2025
A sign from INPARADISE's Breeze Xinyi branch indicates that the restaurant is closed on Thursday to be disinfected. CNA photo Jan. 9, 2025

Taipei, Jan. 9 (CNA) The number of people sickened in a suspected food poisoning incident at INPARADISE's Breeze Xinyi branch in Taipei has risen to 53, the Taipei City Department of Health said Thursday.

The poisoning incident, which affected people who ate at the upscale buffet restaurant on Jan. 5-6, came to light Tuesday after a growing number of diners developed symptoms such as vomiting, stomachache and diarrhea.

Hospitals reported the cluster of related cases to Taipei health authorities on Tuesday, which ordered the restaurant to close later that day.

In a press release Thursday, the Taipei Health Department said its officials had visited the restaurant earlier that day as part of an epidemiological investigation into the incident with the Centers for Disease Control and Food and Drug Administration.

If the restaurant is found to have been the source of the illnesses, it could be fined NT$60,000 to NT$200 million (US$1,823 to US$6.07 million) under Article 15 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation, the department said.

Based on the victims' symptoms, it appears likely that they are suffering from norovirus, which is the most common cause of gastroenteritis and can be hard to kill with alcohol-based hand sanitizer, the department said.

To prevent transmission, proper hand washing with soap and water and disinfection of surfaces with bleach water is necessary, the press release said.

Lin Kuan-chen (林冠蓁), head of the department's Food and Drug Division, said test results from environmental and employee hand samples at the restaurant are expected to be ready in 1-2 weeks.

Meanwhile, Lin said the city government has rejected "multiple" requests by the restaurant to reopen for business.

A consumer protection officials speaks with representatives of INPARADISE's Breeze Xinyi branch on a food poisoning incident. Photo courtesy of Taipei Department of Legal Affairs
A consumer protection officials speaks with representatives of INPARADISE's Breeze Xinyi branch on a food poisoning incident. Photo courtesy of Taipei Department of Legal Affairs

The city will only consider evaluating the requests after there has been a 24-hour period in which no new food poisoning cases have been reported, she said.

(By Chen Yu-ting and Matthew Mazzetta)


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