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5 injured, including 2 showing no life signs, in freeway pileup

10/28/2024 10:09 PM
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Photo courtesy of the Hsinchu City Fire Bureau Oct. 28, 2024
Photo courtesy of the Hsinchu City Fire Bureau Oct. 28, 2024

Taipei, Oct. 28 (CNA) Five individuals were injured, two of whom showed no signs of life when rescuers arrived, in a six-vehicle pileup on Tuesday evening on a section of the National Freeway No. 3 in Miaoli County.

The accident, involving a fuel truck, a container truck and four cars, took place at around 6:30 p.m. on the southbound lanes of the freeway at the 114.4-kilometer mark, local authorities said.

The fire bureaus of Miaoli County and nearby Hsinchu City both dispatched first responders and vehicles to the scene and found five individuals injured, including two without any signs of life, according to the Hsinchu City Fire Bureau.

The six-vehicle crash blocked all southbound lanes, leaving drivers and passengers stuck in 4 kilometers of traffic.

The police managed to clear one lane for drivers to move through, while also urging drivers to exit the freeway at the 109-kilometer interchange for Xiangshan and Toufen.

(By Kuan Jui-ping and Kay Liu)


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