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Saint Kitts and Nevis FM highlights delegation's renewable energy aim

03/19/2025 08:40 PM
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Saint Kitts and Nevis Foreign Minister Denzil L. Douglas speaks with reporters in Taipei. CNA photo March 19. 2025
Saint Kitts and Nevis Foreign Minister Denzil L. Douglas speaks with reporters in Taipei. CNA photo March 19. 2025

Taipei, March 19 (CNA) The foreign minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis said Wednesday that he is leading a delegation to Taiwan to learn about issues relating to renewable energy, in a bid to help the Caribbean nation achieve its "sustainable island state" policy goal.

Saint Kitts and Nevis is shifting from an agricultural society to a more diversified economy that includes manufacturing, tourism, hospitality, and offshore education, Denzil L. Douglas told reporters at a press event in Taipei.

So far, more than 90 percent of energy in Saint Kitts and Nevis comes from fossil fuels, which are not sustainable, Douglas said.

As a result, Saint Kitts and Nevis needs to turn to its friend, Taiwan, to learn about the technology and structures that its government can put in place to quickly boost the share of renewables, Douglas added.

The types of "green" energy sources that Saint Kitts and Nevis is looking to develop include solar and geothermal, with the latter being an ideal option for the island of Nevis, Douglas said.

To this aim, the delegation visited Taiwan's state-run utility, Taiwan Power Co., Wednesday morning to observe and compare the two countries' operating models and figure out how they can best collaborate, he said.

The delegation includes Kaye Bass, permanent secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Adina Richards, permanent secretary in the Ministry of Economic Development; and Sean Lawrence, director in the Ministry of International Trade.

Other members are Jonathan Kelly, energy transition manager at the Saint Kitts Electricity Co. (SKELEC), and Trevor Blake, president of the Saint Kitts and Nevis Chamber of Industry & Commerce, according to a Saint Kitts and Nevis Information Service news release.

When asked about Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi's (王毅) recent claim that U.N. Resolution 2758 implies Taiwan is a province of China, Douglas said "countries like China or any other country would unnecessarily get involved and engaged in a global conflict because of its relationship with Taiwan."

"We want to say that peace should win within the Taiwan Strait," he said.

Though China has emerged as a major power, Saint Kitts and Nevis believes that it should understand its own responsibilities and that through rational discussions, the matter will eventually be resolved, Douglas said.

Saint Kitts and Nevis will continue to support Taiwan's participation at international forums such as the World Health Assembly and the International Civil Aviation Organization in the face of China exerting its influence to ostracize Taiwan, he added.

"We believe that Taiwan has a serious contribution to make to the advancement of mankind ... And so we rationalize in a very, very clear way where we believe Taiwan can make contributions to the progress on global affairs," he said.

(By Sean Lin)


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