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Trump's U.N. envoy pick pledges to advocate for Taiwan's int'l participation

01/22/2025 10:36 PM
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Elise Stefanik (in a black suit). CNA photo Jan. 22, 2025
Elise Stefanik (in a black suit). CNA photo Jan. 22, 2025

Washington, Jan. 21 (CNA) United States' nominee for ambassador to the United Nations Elise Stefanik, who is currently a member of the House of Representatives, has pledged to work toward Taiwan's maximum meaningful participation in international organizations.

"I am committed to making sure that Taiwan has the most maximum meaningful participation within the U.N. system, as it should in all international organizations," Stefanik said during a Senate confirmation hearing in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday.

Stefanik made the comment in response to questions about how she would address China's growing influence within the world body and its blocking of Taiwan's participation in the U.N. system if confirmed as ambassador.

The Republican Congresswoman also emphasized her support for Taiwan, mentioning in particular voting in Congress in favor of defense aid to strengthen Taiwan's deterrence capabilities.

As for countering China, Stefanik underlined the need to work closely with U.S. allies and partners to ensure "we're running candidates, either American or allied nations, in the elections process for key leadership posts within the U.N. system."

"We have to be vigilant both in the long-term and the short-term to make sure that China is not able to make significant inroads... in international organizations," Stefanik, 40, added.

In addition, the envoy-designate said the U.S. should keep a close eye on all the documents and statements released in Chinese by the U.N., arguing Beijing has tried to insert "specific language [in those documents] which is counter to our values."

Stefanik, a Republican Representative since 2015, has been very critical of China and is a Trump ally.

She is currently a senior member of the House Committee on Armed Services and a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

(By Chung Yu-chen and Teng Pei-ju)


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