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MOFA cites inflation for over 60% hike in high-level travel budget

09/10/2024 07:54 PM
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Jeff Liu. CNA file photo
Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Jeff Liu. CNA file photo

Taipei, Sept. 10 (CNA) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on Tuesday defended a proposal to raise its budget for high-level overseas trips by over 60 percent, saying the increase was necessary due to inflation.

MOFA spokesman Jeff Liu (劉永健) told reporters that the ministry had listed overseas trips made by Taiwan's president, diplomats and senior government officials, as its top priorities.

Liu said the significant increase in the budget allocated for that purpose next year was due to global inflation and rising commodity prices.

The 2025 budget proposal lists NT$424 million (US$13.2 million) for overseas travel, or NT$160 million more compared with the same budget allocated for that purpose in 2024.

Liu's remarks were made after an opposition lawmaker questioned the budget increase.

In a report published in the Chinese-language Liberty Times Tuesday, Taiwan People's Party Legislator Lin Yi-chun (林憶君) questioned the steep hike and called on MOFA to provide more details about how the money will be spent to avoid wasting public funds.

According to MOFA's budget proposal sent to lawmakers for approval, the budget allocated to overseas travel could be used by the president; vice president; special envoys; heads of five top government branches; ministers and their deputies, and important government officials to travel overseas.

The budget also covers the travel expenses for diplomats, according to MOFA.

(By Joseph Yeh)


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