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BASEBALL/Taiwanese youth league baseball winners reach World Series finals in U.S.

07/03/2024 05:55 PM
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Photo courtesy of Taiwan Little League Baseball Association July 3, 2024
Photo courtesy of Taiwan Little League Baseball Association July 3, 2024

Taipei, July 3 (CNA) Taiwan Little League team Guishan Elementary School won the Asia-Pacific regional tournament of the Little League World Series on Wednesday and will now represent the region at the Little League World Series final in the United States in August.

The team defeated South Korea in the final 3-0.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, members of Taoyuan's Hsin Ming Junior High School defeated Japan 10-0 to win the Junior League Asia-Pacific regional tournament.

During the Junior League game, the Taiwanese team scored eight runs in the first inning. They then hit two more runs in the second inning before closing out the six-innings game early after the fifth inning.

Both the Little League and Junior League Asia-Pacific regional tournaments were held at Hwaseung Dream Park, in Hwaseong City, South Korea.

With their wins, students from Guishan Elementary School will compete at the Little League World Series Complex in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania, on Aug. 14, while members of Hsin Ming Junior High School will head to Heritage Park in Taylor, Michigan, on Aug. 4, where they will compete against other regional champions to vie for the top spot in their respective leagues' world series.

(By Yang Chi-fang and James Lo)


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