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China Airlines proposes 6.6 month annual bonus for employees

01/07/2025 11:19 PM
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Taipei, Jan. 7 (CNA) China Airlines (CAL), one of Taiwan's largest international carriers, said Tuesday that it plans to give NT$145,000 (US$4,276) to each of its employees on top of a year-end bonus equivalent to an average 6.6 months of salary.

The carrier said in a company letter to employees that the NT$145,000 payment consists of NT$110,000 as a fixed bonus and NT$35,000 as an incentive award.

In addition to these bonuses and an extra 6.6 months of salary, CAL said it will also raise wages by 3 percent on average.

The company said the wage hike and bonus payouts came after negotiations with the employees' union.

It said the proposals will be presented to its board of directors for approval on Jan. 13 before being made official.

The company wants its employees to share in the results it achieved in 2024 after the carrier experienced positive growth, CAL said.

(By Chiang Ming-yen and James Lo)


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