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Geomagnetic storm could knock power out in Taiwan late Thursday

10/10/2024 05:03 PM
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Graphic taken from the Space Weather Operational Office website
Graphic taken from the Space Weather Operational Office website

Taipei, Oct. 10 (CNA) Taiwan's Central Weather Administration (CWA) has warned that a severe geomagnetic storm could cause power outages and disturbances to satellite and radio operations beginning late Thursday.

The geomagnetic storm is forecast to influence Taiwan from 11 p.m. on Thursday for about 54 hours, the CWA said.

AR3848, an Earth-facing sunspot region, produced a long-duration X1.8 solar flare on Oct. 9, which was associated with an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME) and is expected to impact the Earth between late Oct. 10 and Oct. 11, according to the information posted on the CWA website.

The solar event could cause increases in solar wind speed and the strength of the interplanetary magnetic field, potentially disturbing the Earth's electromagnetic field, the CWA said.

According to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the geomagnetic storm could reach a G4 (Kp8) level in strength -- the second-highest on the scale, classified as "severe," creating large disturbances.

The CWA said the severe geomagnetic storm could disrupt communications, the power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations.

It could also make the northern lights visible in certain areas, the CWA added.

(By Chang Hsiung-feng and Evelyn Kao)


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