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Taiwan Railway to launch new sightseeing trains in November

09/22/2024 06:10 PM
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Taiwan Railway Corp. Chairman Tu Wei (center) inspects the scenic "Shanlan" train in this undated photo. Photo courtesy of Taiwan Railway Corp.
Taiwan Railway Corp. Chairman Tu Wei (center) inspects the scenic "Shanlan" train in this undated photo. Photo courtesy of Taiwan Railway Corp.

Taipei, Sept. 22 (CNA) Taiwan Railway Corp. (TR) announced Sunday that it will launch two sets of scenic trains in late November, incorporating local characteristics to offer high-quality travel experiences.

The trains "Shanlan (山嵐, mountain mist)" and "Haifeng (海風, sea wind)" are converted from the EMU500 series, painted in light yellow and teal to symbolize mountain and sea views in Taiwan, according to the state-owned company.

They are currently undergoing test runs by Lion Travel, a local agency commissioned to operate the project, with final inspections expected to be completed by the end of September, TR said.

According to XinMedia Co., a media outlet and sister company of Lion Travel, the trains are four-carriage models, each capable of accommodating 62 passengers.

The trains will visit coastal areas in central Taiwan and the eastern rift valley in Hualien and Taitung counties, with travel times ranging from two to three hours, XinMedia reported.

The trains are scheduled to change their operating locations every six months to a year, giving travelers across Taiwan the opportunity to experience them closer to home, it said.

(By Wang Shu-fen and Lee Hsin-Yin)


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