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Rainy weather across Taiwan to continue into next week

09/19/2024 10:13 PM
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Members of the general public in Taipei brave the rain. CNA file photo
Members of the general public in Taipei brave the rain. CNA file photo

Taipei, Sept. 19 (CNA) The wet weather that affected parts of Taiwan on Thursday is forecast to continue across much of the country through next Tuesday, with the heaviest rain expected on Sunday and Monday, according to the Central Weather Administration (CWA).

From Thursday night into Friday, a mass of wet air currently in the south of the country will begin moving northward, CWA forecaster Lin Ting-yi (林定宜) told CNA.

In the south, there will be a chance of heavy downpours throughout the day on Friday, while afternoon showers or storms are forecast in other regions, Lin said.

Due to the effects of a low-pressure system, Taiwan will continue to experience rainy weather from Saturday through Tuesday next week, according to Lin.

CWA graphic
CWA graphic

During that period, the heaviest rain, along with strong winds, is expected to occur on Sunday and Monday, particularly in the south, Lin said.

As the system moves away from Taiwan next Wednesday, scattered showers or storms remain possible in central and southern areas, while mostly cloudy to clear weather, with a chance of afternoon storms, is expected in other regions, Lin said.

Over the next week, high temperatures nationwide will range from 32 to 35 degrees Celsius, with the exception of Sunday and Monday, when strong winds and rain will keep highs at or below 30 degrees, Lin said.

(By Chang Hsiung-feng and Matthew Mazzetta)


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