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Earthquake text alert to be sent Friday as part of disaster response drills

09/19/2024 09:55 PM
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An earthquake alert is issued to mobile users in Taiwan warning people of a strong tremblor. CNA file photo
An earthquake alert is issued to mobile users in Taiwan warning people of a strong tremblor. CNA file photo

Taipei, Sept. 19 (CNA) An earthquake text alert will be sent out to cellphone users across Taiwan Friday morning as part of a series of drills being held Sept. 18-20 ahead of National Disaster Prevention Day, according to the Central Weather Administration (CWA).

The earthquake text alert will be sent to people's mobile phones at 9:21 a.m. Friday and will simulate a magnitude 7.3 earthquake striking Chiayi County, the CWA said in a press release Thursday.

The message will warn people to "drop, cover and hold on," the agency said.

At 10 a.m. and 10:10 a.m., people in coastal areas around the country will also receive text alerts simulating a tsunami warning, the CWA said.

At a press conference earlier this month, the Ministry of the Interior said this year's "disaster relief mobilization drills" from Sept. 18-20 would involve more than 1,000 participants from various ministries and local governments.

Taiwan began observing National Disaster Prevention Day on Sept. 21, 2000, one year after a magnitude 7.3 earthquake in central Taiwan killed more than 2,400 people.

(By Chang Hsiung-feng and Matthew Mazzetta)


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