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Rescued Mirage-2000 jet pilot discharged from hospital

09/13/2024 01:09 PM
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Photo courtesy of Taoyuan's Department of Civil Affairs
Photo courtesy of Taoyuan's Department of Civil Affairs

Taipei, Sept. 13 (CNA) An Air Force pilot who ejected to safety from a Mirage-2000 jet that later crashed was discharged from hospital on Friday after receiving two days of treatment.

Captain Hsieh Pei-hsun (謝沛勳), now able to move around on his own, left Tung's Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital at 9:40 a.m., accompanied by his family.

The contusions and bruises on his neck and waist have greatly improved, but follow-up treatment is still advised, doctors said.

Hsieh, who was rescued from the waters off Hsinchu County's coast on Tuesday night, has been cleared of aspiration pneumonia by an X-ray examination, according to the hospital. It added that the concentration of white blood cells in his blood has returned to normal.

The incident took place at 8:05 p.m. Tuesday, when Hsieh's aircraft lost power over waters off Hsinchu County. He ejected from the single-seat jet and was brought on deck conscious and showing stable vital signs at 10:39 p.m., military sources told CNA.

According to the Air Force, Hsieh has logged 795 flight hours, including 509 hours with the Mirage-2000.

(By Chao Li-yen, Wu Shu-wei, Matt Yu, Sean Lin, Sunny Lai and Chao Yen-hsiang)


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