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New Taipei preschool ordered to suspend enrollment over abuse scandal

07/22/2024 04:25 PM
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CNA photo July 22, 2024
CNA photo July 22, 2024

New Taipei, July 22 (CNA) A quasi-public preschool in New Taipei's Banqiao District has been ordered to suspend enrollment of new students after three of its teachers were accused of physically abusing eight children at the institution earlier this year, the city's Department of Education said on Monday.

According to the department, a committee had been appointed to investigate the accusations made against three female teachers, identified by their surnames Kao (高), Chiang (江) and Chang (張), at the preschool (福音幼兒園 in Chinese), which is affiliated to the Banciao Gospel Church. 

According to the parents of students enrolled at the school, their children had been subjected to physical abuse, including being slapped in the face and dragged by their feet with significant force.

During its investigation, the committee interviewed the parents of the children and examined evidence, and concluded that the accusations made against the three teachers were true.

Kao, Chiang and Chang were subsequently issued with administrative fines of NT$600,000 (US$18,243), NT$300,000 and NT$30,000, respectively, while the preschool owner was issued a NT$60,000 fine for negligence, the department said.

Furthermore, the department said a lifetime ban was also imposed on the teachers, meaning that they will not be able to work as educators in Taiwan ever again.

The department's administrative investigation and penalties are separate from a criminal investigation of the case, which will be conducted by New Taipei District Prosecutors Office for alleged offenses of causing injury.

Although allowed to continue its operations, the Banqiao institution has been banned from enrolling new students and ordered to make improvements while its status as a "quasi-public" preschool that receives certain government subsidies will be removed with effect from Aug. 1, the department added.

Preschool head's remarks

The head of the school, who asked to remain anonymous, told CNA recently that although the teachers had acted "somewhat inappropriately" towards the students, they had done so to manage the classroom, and had already apologized to the parents for their actions.

The government failed to take into consideration the teachers' workloads and the amount of pay they were receiving, the school head argued, believing that the penalties it issued were "in fact a bit too harsh."

Huang Shu-chun (黃淑君), a Democratic Progressive Party city councilor, criticized the New Taipei education department's slow handling of the case, which happened in March.

The fines were issued to the teachers on June 13, and the preschool only later held a parents' meeting on June 21 to explain what had happened, Huang said, arguing that other parents were likely unaware of the situation before then.

The councilor, meanwhile, also lamented how the institution had been granted the status of quasi-public preschool, demanding that the department should be more prudent in its evaluations.

Responding to those criticisms, the department's Commissioner Chang Ming-wen (張明文) said certain procedures are necessary when looking into a matter related to the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act, stressing that an investigation was launched in April as soon as the department became aware of the issue.

July 19: Taipei mayor apologizes to victims in preschool sexual assault case

July 18: Parents, NGOs slam Taipei government for handling of preschool rape cases

July 17: Control Yuan discusses media disclosure regarding child abuse cases

The fines were levied in June and meetings with parents were subsequently held, the commissioner said, adding that the preschool already stopped accepting new students in June.

The institution previously had over 30 students, and after consulting with their parents, many chose to leave the preschool. There are currently fewer than 10 enrolled students, he said, stressing that his department will "ensure the rights and interests of every student who remains at the school."

(By Kao Hua-chien and Ko Lin)


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