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Transport controls to be imposed in Taipei during air defense drill

07/09/2024 12:01 PM
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A police officer imposes traffic control in Taipei's Zhongzhen District during the Wanan drill on July 24, 2023. CNA file photo
A police officer imposes traffic control in Taipei's Zhongzhen District during the Wanan drill on July 24, 2023. CNA file photo

Taipei, July 9 (CNA) Traffic in Taipei will be brought to a standstill for 30 minutes during the annual Wanan air defense drill on July 23, the city's Public Transportation Office said Monday.

From 1:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. that day, all buses, taxis, transfer stations and metro stations in Taipei will be required to temporarily suspend operations or instruct passengers to leave vehicles and move to designated areas, the office said in a news release.

City buses will not be dispatched during the drill period, and those already on the road will be required to park by the side of the road or at bus stops, the office said.

Passengers will be asked to leave the buses and head to the nearest shelter, according to the office.

Inter-city buses on highways will be allowed to continue driving, but will be required to follow the same instructions if they exit the highway, the office said.

Also during the drill, taxi drivers will have to stop by the side of the road and not charge passengers for the time, but the office suggested that drivers negotiate fares with passengers if a ride will be interrupted by the drill, the office said.

For people with disabilities who need the city's rehabilitation bus services, reservations will be suspended from 12:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m., while vehicles already on the road will be required to stop on the side of road.

Meanwhile, Taipei Metro will continue to operate, and passengers will be allowed to enter but not leave stations. If passengers arrive at their destination, they should wait at designated evacuation areas in the stations until the drill is over, the office said.

People riding YouBikes and using scooter-sharing services will also have to stop during the 30-minute drill period, it said.

(By Chen Yi-hsuan and Ko Lin)


> Chinese Version
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