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17 receipts win NT$10 million in March-April invoice lottery

06/04/2024 06:42 PM
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Source: Ministry of Finance
Source: Ministry of Finance

Taipei, June 4 (CNA) A total of 17 receipts issued in March and April with the serial number 44140251 won NT$10 million (US$308,419) in Taiwan's receipt lottery, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) said Tuesday.

One of the winning receipts was for a NT$26 drink purchase at a Taichung convenience store owned by Taiwan Sugar Corp., according to the MOF.

Meanwhile, 16 receipts with the number 14715309 won NT$2 million.

In addition, receipts with the serial numbers 86562747, 79171152 and 77925523 won NT$200,000. Holders whose receipt numbers match the last seven digits of any of these numbers won NT$40,000, and those matching the last six digits won NT$10,000.

Other prizes include NT$4,000 for receipts with the last five digits matching any of the three serial numbers above, NT$1,000 for those with the last four digits matching, and NT$200 for those with the three digits matching.

Convenience store chain 7-Eleven issued four of the receipts that won NT$10 million, the MOF said.

The MOF released the winning receipt lottery numbers on May 25.

(By Alyx Chang and Wu Kuan-hsien)


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