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Labor ministry unveils plan to resume dispatched migrant caregiver program

05/29/2024 09:34 PM
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Taipei, May 29 (CNA) The Ministry of Labor is mapping out a plan to resume the dispatched migrant caregiver program, which is set to be launched on a trial basis later this year, in one or two cities or counties, an official said Wednesday.

The program was suspended mainly because people eligible for the service were subject to the same criteria as those eligible to hire long-term migrant caregivers, which removed incentives for dispatched caregivers, said Su Yu-kuo (蘇裕國), head of the Cross-Border Workforce Management Division under the ministry's Workforce Development Agency.

But this time around, the eligibility of users could be expanded to include families with seniors or individuals who suffer from severe or acute injuries or diseases that require urgent care services.

In the early iteration of the program, only families with crucial care needs or individuals with severe mental or physical disabilities could apply for dispatched migrant caregivers, Su said.

The plan will be finalized after it has been discussed with the public, he added.

Su said that the agency is planning to include non-governmental organizations and "high-quality" manpower brokers in the revived program to ensure proper management of migrant caregivers and that the needs of those who require the service are properly met.

Dispatched migrant caregivers will be a paid service, he added.

(By Wu Hsin-yun and Sean Lin)


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