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Parents-in-law of famed blogger arrested for suspected fraud cases

05/03/2024 12:05 PM
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Huang Li-hsiung (front), blogger Lady Nai Nai's father-in-law. CNA photo May 3, 2024
Huang Li-hsiung (front), blogger Lady Nai Nai's father-in-law. CNA photo May 3, 2024

Taipei, May 3 (CNA) The parents-in-law of famed blogger Su Chen-tuan (蘇陳端), better known as Lady Nai Nai (貴婦奈奈), were handed over to investigators at the Taoyuan International Airport on Friday after being escorted from Canada back to Taiwan, where they were wanted for suspected fraud cases.

Lady Nai Nai and her husband, Huang Po-chien (黃博健), a plastic surgeon, jointly operated a cosmetic clinic that was suspected of maliciously closing down in 2018 after allegedly owing debts to multiple suppliers. The couple, along with Lady Nai Nai's father-in-law, Huang Li-hsiung (黃立雄), who served as the nominal clinic director, subsequently faced charges of fraud and became wanted fugitives.

They fled to Toronto, Canada, in 2019. It was also reported that they applied for refugee status the same year in an attempt to prolong their stay there, according to an immigration attorney.

Meanwhile, Huang Li-hsiung's wife, Huang Lin Li-chen (黃林麗貞), though not involved in the suspected clinic fraud case, was accused of fraud in another case and is wanted by the Shilin District Prosecutors Office.

Huang Lin Li-chen (front, right), Huang Li-hsiung's wife. CNA photo May 3, 2024
Huang Lin Li-chen (front, right), Huang Li-hsiung's wife. CNA photo May 3, 2024

According to the Ministry of Justice, Huang Li-hsiung contacted investigators recently after being denied political asylum by Canadian authorities, which meant he and his wife could no longer stay in Canada.

The couple claimed that they were being threatened and extorted by criminal gangs in Canada and expressed willingness to return to Taiwan to clarify the situation, officials said.

Huang and his wife departed for Taiwan from Toronto, Canada, on Thursday via an EVA Airways flight and were handcuffed under guard by Investigation Bureau personnel upon arrival at 5:15 a.m. on Friday, investigators said.

They remained silent when confronted by the media gathered at the airport.

After arriving in Taiwan, they were taken into custody by the bureau's Taipei division. Investigators said that Huang will be transferred to the Taipei District Prosecutors Office, while his wife Huang Lin will be transferred to the Shilin District Prosecutors Office to clarify their involvement in the cases.

Meanwhile, Lady Nai Nai and her husband are currently in Canada, where they remain under refugee status.

(By Yeh Chen and Evelyn Yang)


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