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Taiwan extends condolences to India on passing of ex-PM Manmohan Singh

12/28/2024 07:48 PM
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India's former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Source: Reuters
India's former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Source: Reuters

Taipei, Dec. 28 (CNA) Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on Saturday extended its condolences to India over the passing of the nation's former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who died on Dec. 26 at the age of 92.

MOFA said Singh played a pivotal role in deepening bilateral ties between Taiwan and India during his 10-year tenure as India's prime minister from 2004 to 2014.

According to MOFA, Singh strengthened cooperation between the two nations in areas such as finance, trade, investments as well as liberal arts education.

In addition, it was also Singh who made the opening of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in Chennai possible.

MOFA added that Singh's efforts and achievements in cementing bilateral relations and promoting regional prosperity and peace will be remembered.

The ministry said it had instructed Taiwan's mission to India to convey Taiwan's condolences and sentiment to the Indian government.

MOFA said it will continue to build upon the foundations cemented by Singh to work with India's incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi and continue cultivating a beneficial relationships between the peoples of Taiwan and India.

Other than being India's fourth longest-serving prime minister, Singh was also the nation's first Sikh to serve as a head of state.

On Dec. 26, Singh passed away a few hours after being hospitalized having collapsed at his home in New Delhi.

Alongside a period of national mourning that is set to last until Jan. 1, the Indian government also announced a state funeral for the former prime minister.

(By Wu Shu-wei and James Lo)


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