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Foreign ministry spokesman appointed as Taiwan's envoy to Poland

11/07/2024 10:50 AM
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Jeff Liu. CNA file photo
Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Jeff Liu. CNA file photo

Taipei, Nov. 7 (CNA) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) spokesperson Jeff Liu (劉永健) will be Taiwan's new representative to Poland, while Joseph Chow (周進發), a former ambassador to Nauru, will serve as the country's envoy to Fiji for the second time.

A Cabinet announcement released Wednesday stated Liu, who has served as the ministry's spokesman since January 2023, will take up the post as Taiwan's representative to Poland following current envoy Sharon Wu's (吳尚年) return to Taipei in August for personal reasons.

Warsaw has close relations with Taipei despite the lack of diplomatic ties. Both sides have worked together to assist Ukraine since the Russian invasion began in February 2022.

Liu received his bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering from National Cheng Kung University and has a master's in diplomacy from National Chengchi University.

His previous overseas posts include India, New York, Washington D.C., and New Zealand.

Meanwhile, Chow, a former ambassador to Nauru who has worked at MOFA Taipei headquarters after the ending of diplomatic ties with the South Pacific island, will return to his old post as representative to Fiji.

Like Liu and most Taiwanese diplomats, Chow received his MA in Diplomacy and International Law from National Chengchi University.

He served as an envoy to Fiji from 2021 to early 2024. His previous overseas posts include Nauru and Australia.

(By Yang Yao-ju and Joseph Yeh)


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