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Corruption suspect Pong Cheng-sheng taken from court to hospital

09/01/2024 03:59 PM
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Former Taipei Deputy Mayor Pong Cheng-sheng. CNA file Aug. 26, 2024
Former Taipei Deputy Mayor Pong Cheng-sheng. CNA file Aug. 26, 2024

Taipei, Sept. 1 (CNA) Former Taipei Deputy Mayor Pong Cheng-sheng (彭振聲) was taken to hospital after feeling unwell during an examination of case files by lawyers and prosecutors at Taipei District Court around midday on Sunday.

According to the Taipei District Court, Pong felt unwell and asked to take medicine in the waiting room of the court. After taking the medication he continued to feel ill, vomited several times and had difficulty breathing, the court said.

After the judge was informed of the situation, the emergency services were called at 12:06 p.m. and an ambulance arrived at 12:15 p.m. The ambulance took Pong to hospital, leaving the court at 12:39 p.m.

An ambulance transports former Taipei Deputy Mayor Pong Cheng-sheng to a hospital on Sunday. Photo courtesy of a private contributor
An ambulance transports former Taipei Deputy Mayor Pong Cheng-sheng to a hospital on Sunday. Photo courtesy of a private contributor

Pong is a suspect in the Core Pacific City corruption case that has also embroiled former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲), Taipei City Councilor Ying Hsiao-wei (應曉薇), Core Pacific Group Chairman Sheen Ching-jing (沈慶京) and others in recent days and weeks.

According to prosecutors, Sheen allegedly gave Ying more than NT$47.40 million (US$1.48 million) to illegally lobby Taipei City Government on the company's behalf.

Prosecutors filed a request with the Taipei District Court to formally detain Ko, who is also leader of the Taiwan People's Party (TPP), late on Saturday. The court is expected to make a ruling on whether Ko will be detained or released on Sunday evening.

Last month, Pong -- who was deputy mayor of Taipei under Ko's administration -- was prohibited by prosecutors from leaving the country and changing his residence.

(By James Thompson and Liu Shih-yi)


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