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Estonian parliamentary group visits Taiwan

03/04/2024 12:06 PM
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The delegation of Estonian parliamentarians are greeted by Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials. Photo courtesy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The delegation of Estonian parliamentarians are greeted by Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials. Photo courtesy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Taipei, March 4 (CNA) A delegation of Estonian parliamentarians arrived in Taiwan on Monday for a five-day visit, which will include meetings with President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) and other top-level government officials, to enhance bilateral exchanges, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).

The eight-member cross-party delegation, led by Estonia-Taiwan Friendship Group Chairman Kristo Enn Vaga, is also scheduled to meet with Premier Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁) and visit the Hsinchu Science Park, as well as multiple government agencies, to explore opportunities for cooperation, MOFA said in a press release.

These include the Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Digital Affairs, National Science and Technology Council, International Trade Administration, and National Health Insurance Administration, according to MOFA.

In addition to their meetings with Tsai and Chen, the Estonian parliamentarians will attend two banquets hosted by Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜) and Foreign Minister Joseph Wu (吳釗燮), respectively, MOFA said.

The five-day visit, which concludes on March 8, comes amid growing ties between Taiwan and Estonia for the past year.

Last November, Foreign Minister Wu gave a rare public speech in Estonia, praising the country's government for its courage in allowing him that opportunity, despite China's protests.

At the 2023 World Health Assembly, Estonia Health Minister Riina Sikkut called for Taiwan's inclusion in the international body.

Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Margus Tsahkna also said last year that his government was open to discussions on the possibility of Taiwan establishing an economic or cultural office in his country's capital Tallinn.

At the time, MOFA thanked the Estonian government for its willingness to talk with Taiwan about the proposal but said a final decision had not yet been made.

Taiwan has representative offices in the neighboring Baltic countries of Lithuania and Lativa, but does not have diplomatic relations with either of them, or with Estonia.

(By Joseph Yeh)


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