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Thousands of Filipinos attend Independence Day events in New Taipei

06/16/2024 06:06 PM
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Philippine Senator Francis Tolentino (front, third left) attends Sunday's celebrations in New Taipei. CNA photo June 16, 2024
Philippine Senator Francis Tolentino (front, third left) attends Sunday's celebrations in New Taipei. CNA photo June 16, 2024

New Taipei, June 16 (CNA) Thousands of Filipino expats in Taiwan gathered in Banqiao Stadium in New Taipei on Sunday to celebrate Philippines Independence Day with the city's mayor and the Philippines' de facto ambassador to Taiwan.

The Philippines celebrated its 126th Independence Day on June 12, and New Taipei's Labor Affairs Department and the Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) in Taiwan co-hosted a belated celebration that was attended by Filipino expats from around Taiwan.

Several events were held, including a cheerleader competition, a basketball competition and performances by bands, followed by an appearance by renowned Philippine singer-songwriter and actress Julie Anne San Jose, who sang several songs popular in the Philippines.

MECO chief Silvestre III Hernando Bello (center) and New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih (second left). CNA June 16, 2024
MECO chief Silvestre III Hernando Bello (center) and New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih (second left). CNA June 16, 2024

It was also attended by New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜), the head of MECO Silvestre III Hernando Bello, and other dignitaries, including Francis Tolentino, a senator from the Philippines.

In his speech at the event, Bello thanked the New Taipei City government on behalf the Filipino population in Taiwan, which exceeds 150,000 people.

He said he was also grateful to be celebrating the Philippines' 126th anniversary of its declaration of independence with people in Taiwan.

In his remarks, Hou praised Filipinos for their social and economic contributions to Taiwan, noting that in New Taipei alone there are 12,440 Filipinos among the 98,748 migrant workers employed in the city.

(By Wang Hong-kuo and James Lo)


> Chinese Version
CNA photo June 16, 2024
CNA photo June 16, 2024
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