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AmCham Taiwan calls for regulatory, renewable energy improvements

06/06/2024 07:11 PM
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CNA photo June 6, 2024
CNA photo June 6, 2024

Taipei, June 6 (CNA) The American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan (AmCham Taiwan) released its annual white paper Thursday, calling on the government to further harmonize regulations to international standards and develop renewable energy.

At an event for the white paper's release in Taipei, AmCham Taiwan Chairperson Dan Silver said as this week's Computex had shown, "Taiwan was already on a fast-rising trajectory as a global leader," particularly given the attendance of some of the world's most influential tech leaders.

However, AmCham Taiwan suggested making regulatory frameworks more "transparent, predictable, and aligned with international standards."

According to AmCham Taiwan, this includes broadening and standardizing the adoption of the 60-day public notice and comment period for new regulation.

In its white paper, the business association said Taiwan had "fallen short of expectations" in carrying out the said measure, either by failing to have adequate public notice or bypassing it altogether.

Also highlighted was the concern of AmCham Taiwan members about the "dependable supply of energy" and green energy in particular, Silver said.

AmCham Taiwan Chairperson Dan Silver. CNA photo June 6, 2024
AmCham Taiwan Chairperson Dan Silver. CNA photo June 6, 2024

According to AmCham Taiwan's 2024 Business Climate Survey, 71 percent of respondents expressed concern about the availability of green energy in Taiwan.

"To fortify its energy resilience, Taiwan can accelerate the deployment of renewable energy sources, particularly for high-demand sectors such as the semiconductor industry," the white paper noted.

Transparent electricity price and carbon fee review mechanisms are also called for.

"When it comes to price setting, our members have asked for transparency and predictability in price setting. They had asked to have a seat at the table when these discussions are being held," Silver said, adding that he believed Taiwan's government had been engaging with industries to this end.

In its "Messages to Washington," AmCham Taiwan called on U.S. lawmakers to ensure continued bipartisan support for Taiwan's defense, finalize the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade, and advance efforts to remove double taxation from bilateral investments.

"Taiwan has increased its military budget, extended national service and revamped its reserve system. Now we urge the United States to expedite the delivery of agreed-upon arms packages," Silver said. "We also encourage the U.S. to allow suitable Taiwan companies into American defense supply chains."

Asked whether AmCham Taiwan members had expressed concerns about the recently passed legislative amendment bills on strengthening the Legislative Yuan's power, Silver said the business association "advocates strongly for transparency and across-the-board openness [and] appropriate levels of confidentiality when it comes to private data."

"We advocate and believe strongly in the democratic system here in Taiwan, and the separation of powers that comes with that democratic system," he added.

Silver said AmCham Taiwan tended to focus on the executive branch when it came to transparency, adding that the focus was "through good regulatory practice system."

This meant allowing expert opinions to be taken into account, and ensuring there is ongoing dialogue between those making regulations in the executive branch and all stakeholders in the public, Silver said.

He later added that it would ultimately come down to how the newly amended laws were implemented and practiced.

(By Alison Hsiao)


> Chinese Version
AmCham Taiwan Chairperson Dan Silver (right) and President Patrick P. Lin pose with the newly released white paper for the press in Taipei Thursday. CNA photo June 6, 2024
AmCham Taiwan Chairperson Dan Silver (right) and President Patrick P. Lin pose with the newly released white paper for the press in Taipei Thursday. CNA photo June 6, 2024
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