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Free single-use toiletries to be banned in hotels from 2025

12/22/2024 05:30 PM
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Unsplash image for illustrative purpose only

Taipei, Dec. 22 (CNA) Starting Jan. 1, 2025, hotels in Taiwan will no longer be allowed to provide free single-use toiletries to guests, the Ministry of Environment (MOENV) confirmed in a notice.

The "Restrictions on the Use and Implementation of Single-Use Accommodation Supplies" will take effect on New Year's Day and is expected to impact more than 14,000 hotel operators.

Those violating the regulations could face fines from NT$1,200 (US$36.76) to NT$6,000, according to the MOENV.

Under the regulations, lodging providers, including tourist hotels, guesthouses and B&Bs, cannot provide liquid toiletries and body care products (shampoo, conditioner, shower gel and lotion) in single-use containers with a capacity of under 180 milliliters for free, the MOENV said.

This also includes personal hygiene items such as combs, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, shaving foam and shower caps.

People will still be able to request these products, but they will have to pay for them.

However, facilities such as hotel spas and swimming pools are not subject to the restrictions.

The ministry estimates that the new regulations could cut the use of 460 million small plastic containers every year. This is equivalent to 2,500 metric tons of carbon emissions.

Moreover, the ministry will roll out incentives to reduce the number of disposable plastic water bottles used in hotels starting in 2025.

Hotels will be eligible for a NT$30,000 subsidy from their local government if they do not supply bottled water to more than 50 percent of their rooms. However, this payment is limited to five establishments per city or county.

Furthermore, operators that establish a glass bottle water refilling system will be eligible for MOENV subsidies of up to NT$5 million, with funding limited to five projects per administrative region, according to the incentive scheme.

(By Chang Hsiung-feng and Evelyn Kao)


Graphic: Tourism Administration website
Graphic: Tourism Administration website
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