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Storm Kong-Rey's projected course edges nearer to Taiwan

10/27/2024 07:38 PM
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Graphic: Central Weather Administration (UTC, or Zulu time, is eight hours behind Taipei)
Graphic: Central Weather Administration (UTC, or Zulu time, is eight hours behind Taipei)

Taipei, Oct. 27 (CNA) Tropical Storm Kong-Rey will pass by Taiwan closer than previously forecast, but it is too early to talk about whether it will make landfall in Taiwan, according to the Central Weather Administration (CWA) on Sunday evening.

As the high pressure lingering over the Pacific has not weakened, Kong-Rey is expected to veer northward from Monday, moving toward the waters off Taiwan's northeast coast before heading to the north and northeast of the country, CWA forecaster Chang Cheng-chuan (張承傳) told CNA.

Chang said that the storm is still gaining momentum and could become a typhoon, and that sea and land warnings could be issued as it gets closer to Taiwan.

The storm is predicted to affect Taiwan the most on Thursday and Friday, bringing extremely heavy rain to some parts of Taiwan's north and northeast before it moves away from the island on Saturday.

On Monday, highs will fall to 24-26 degrees Celsius in northern and northeastern parts of the country and 29-30 degrees in central and southern Taiwan, while lows will hover between 22-24 degrees nationwide, Chang said.

(Flor Wang and Chang Hsiung-feng)Enditem/JT

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