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Man wanted by Italy over multimillion euro fraud told to leave Taiwan

10/15/2024 05:52 PM
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Taipei, Oct. 15 (CNA) A Spanish permanent resident wanted by Italian prosecutors for his alleged role in a multimillion-euro car rental fraud has been ordered to leave Taiwan within 10 days.

In a statement Monday, the National Immigration Agency (NIA) said it had issued the order after verifying Salvador Alejandro Llinas Onate's identity and outstanding arrest warrant with the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan.

Given that Onate now lives in Taiwan with his family, including two young children, the NIA said it had given him a 10-day grace period to leave, which expires on Oct. 23.

Although Onate does not have a criminal record in Taiwan, the Immigration Act allows for the expulsion of individuals believed to have committed serious offenses abroad, the NIA said.

A Taipei immigration officer said Onate, who ran a company in Trento, Italy, is suspected of illegally selling 1,180 vehicles under his management for rental to unknown third parties before fleeing from Italy to Taiwan.

He is wanted by both Spanish and Italian judicial authorities over the matter, the NIA said.

According to Taiwanese media reports, Onate, 48, entered Taiwan on a dependent visa in 2019 and obtained permanent residency in 2021.

He was reported as having run five companies in Taiwan, including two high-end restaurants in a prime district in Taipei.

(By Flor Wang and Huang Li-yun)


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